Global Nursing Mentorship Programme

Countries: Australia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Namibia, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, United Kingdom, United States of America  

In tandem with the African Emergency Nursing Curriculum, AFEM has created a mentorship programme that pairs African emergency nurses-in-training with expert emergency care providers from across the world. This global mentorship allows emergency nurses to gain the specific skills and knowledge that they need to be effective practitioners of and advocates for emergency care within their own countries.

The mentorship programme pairs African emergency nurses with expert emergency care nurses from across the world. This global mentorship allows emergency nurses to gain the specific skills and knowledge that they need to be effective practitioners of and advocates for emergency care within their own countries.

The benefits of mentorship

Education & Research Strengthening – Mentorship has been associated with increased research knowledge and improved emergency education

Career & Network opportunities – Facilitating the ability to achieve professional goals, mentorship has also been linked to career satisfaction.

Ready to become a mentor or mentee? 

Email to register your interest now and be linked with emergency nursing professionals around the globe

Contact Us

Metro EMS
Karl Bremer Hospital
Mike Pienaar Blvd
Belville, South Africa